With the advancement of technology and widespread social media outlets, there are unlimited resources available. On YouTube you can get step-by-step instructions on just about…
As the top-rated elder care attorney in Chester County, PA, I have extensive experience with helping families who are challenged with a recent diagnosis of…
The Bipartisan Budget Act became law on February 9, 2018. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 revoked the Medicare outpatient therapy caps which served as…
As a top-rated elder law attorney serving Montgomery County, PA, I help families with Medicaid and estate planning, special needs planning and long term care planning. When…
Mark Davis From Martin Law, The Law Firm For Injured Workers Joins Slutsky Elder Law As A Guest Contributor. After filing a disability benefits claim,…
Historically the words “incompetent” and “incapacity” have been used interchangeably in Pennsylvania. From a legal perspective, the two words have very different meanings. What’s in…
While estate planning is vital for spouses, it is arguably even more necessary for couples who don’t marry. As the leading elder care lawyer servicing Chester…
As the top-rated estate planning lawyer in Montgomery County, PA, I hear plenty of common misconceptions about Medicaid, including what qualifies you, and how it might…
The global coronavirus pandemic has disrupted our normal routines and has left us dealing with grief and loss in different ways. School events, wedding, and…
In a recent decision, the U.S. District Court in Hartford, Connecticut possibly delivered a new tool for Medicare eligibility based on your hospital admission status…